
From LogicBox
Revision as of 12:02, 7 August 2015 by Foehner (talk | contribs) (Power consumption)
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This module provides a super speed USB3.0 Interface for the LogicBox in association with the Cypress FX3 USB3.0 controller. Due to the 32-Bit parallel Data-BUS, the submdoule was designed as a double SU-Board with two SU-Connectors. The hole board can be supplied by the +5V-supply of the USB-Port or the +5V-supply of the LogicBox. To protect the FX3 controller against a faulty VBUS voltage from the USB-Port, the USB charger port protection chip TPD4S014 was used. The FX3-Chip provides several serial interfaces like I²S, I²C, SPI and UART to connect to external peripherals. With the implemented I²C register PCA9555 configured by I²C or the 8-Pin DIP-Switch, some status information can be displayed on eight LEDs at the frontpanel.

Block Diagram

SU748 Block diagram.png

Front panel

SU748 FP.jpg

Back Connector

SU748 pin table first connector (direction shown for the SU board!)

 power      in               +5V   2    1  +5V               in     power
     *     out       I2C_SCL_FX3   4    3  I2C_SDA_FX3       bidir  *
 power      in               GND   6    5  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND   8    7  DQ0               bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir               DQ1  10    9  DQ5               bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir               DQ2  12   11  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  14   13  DQ3               bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir               DQ4  16   15  DQ6               bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir               DQ7  18   17  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  20   19  DQ15              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir               DQ8  22   21  DQ9               bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ14  24   23  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  26   25  DQ10              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ12  28   27  DQ13              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ11  30   29  GND               in     power
     *   bidir  UART_RX/SPI_MOSI  32   31  UART_TX/SPI_MISO  bidir  *
     *   bidir  UART_CTS/SPI_SSN  34   33  GPIO[16]_CLK      in     LVTTL
 power      in               GND  36   35  GND               in     power

SU748 pin table second connector (direction shown for the SU board!)

 power      in               +5V   2    1  +5V               in     power
 LVTTL      in    GPIO[19]_\SLOE   4    3  GPIO[17]_\SLCS    in     LVTTL
 LVTTL      in  GPIO[24]_\PKTEND   6    5  GPIO[18]_\SLWR    in     LVTTL
 LVTTL      in    GPIO[20]_\SLRD   8    7  GPIO[21]_FLAGA    out    LVTTL
 LVTTL     out    GPIO[22]_FLAGB  10    9  GPIO[28]_A1       in     LVTTL
 LVTTL      in       GPIO[29]_A0  12   11  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  14   13  DQ17              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ20  16   15  DQ23              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ16  18   17  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  20   19  DQ18              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ19  22   21  DQ21              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ22  24   23  GND               in     power
 power      in               GND  26   25  DQ26              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ25  28   27  DQ28              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ24  30   29  GND               in     power
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ27  32   31  DQ30              bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL   bidir              DQ31  34   33  DQ29              bidir  LVTTL
 power      in               GND  36   35  GND               in     power

Power consumption

+5V -> ?? mA


Version 0


This module is compatible with all base boards