PC Drivers
The LogicBox communicates with the PC through a USB interface. Depending on the LogicBox model different drivers will be needed. The main platform supported is windows. Even though there are drivers and software for Linux (for the LogicBox DL701 and DL708) we cannot help if you are having troubles with it.
DL701 and DL708
This LogicBox uses a USB 1.1 chip from FTDI. This LogicBox model works under Linux, Mac and Windows.
Windows XP/7/32-Bits/64-Bits Installer
DL706 and DL709
This LogicBox uses a USB 2.0 chip from Cypress.
Windows 7
New driver for Windows 7 64-Bits with Digital Signature!
Windows XP/7/32-Bits/64-Bits Installer
Windows 8
The digital Signature for windows 7 is not working under windows 8. In order to install an unsigned driver, you have to start Windows 8 in "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" mode. After that the driver can be installed and the next time you start Windows the "Driver Signature Enforcement" will be enable again, but the driver will still work.
1° Download the installation files and extract it. Do not run the install.bat Windows XP/7/32-Bits/64-Bits Installer 2° Click restart and push the key shift at the same time, windows will show this window, click trobleshoot 3° click advanced options 4° click startup settings 5° click restart button 6° Choose disable driver signature enforcement 7° Open the device manager, an look for a unknown device called DL706, right click it and select Update Driver Software 8° Select Browse my computer for driver software 9° Navigate to the folder FX2Driver_Install\whl\x64 for windows 8 64-bits or FX2Driver_Install\whl\x86 for windows 8 32-bits and click Next 10° Select Install this driver software anyway and that is all.
The LogicBox is now running under Linux. All test are done with ubuntu but should work with others Linux distributions. The open source library "libusb " is used in order to control the LogicBox. To install the library and give access to the LogicBox to all user follow this installations instructions:
Install the libusb library
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0
Install the C++ compiler
sudo apt-get install g++
Install the LogicBox source code
sudo apt-get install subversion svn checkout http://hwstar.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/svn/LB_C++/trunk/
Make the LogicBox accessible to all users
echo SUBSYSTEMS=='"'usb'"', ATTRS{idVendor}=='"'16dc'"', ATTRS{idProduct}=='"'0013'"', GROUP='"'plugdev'"', MODE='"'0660'"' > 20-LogicBox.rules echo SUBSYSTEMS=='"'usb'"', ATTRS{idVendor}=='"'0403'"', ATTRS{idProduct}=='"'6001'"', GROUP='"'plugdev'"', MODE='"'0660'"' >> 20-LogicBox.rules echo SUBSYSTEMS=='"'usb'"', ATTRS{idVendor}=='"'0403'"', ATTRS{idProduct}=='"'b990'"', GROUP='"'plugdev'"', MODE='"'0660'"' >> 20-LogicBox.rules sudo mv 20-LogicBox.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Check the libusb installation library
Check the LogicBox. It should show one USB device with ID 0013:16dc or ID 6001:b990
If this doesn't help, add following 2 lines to a file like /etc/udev/rules.d/NM-my_usb.rules
where NM is some two-digit number, like 30.
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16dc", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0013", MODE="0666", RUN+="/usr/bin/logger allowing access to: $devpath" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16dc", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0013", MODE="0666", RUN+="/usr/bin/logger allowing access to: $devpath"
JTAG Kabel in Linux
Here is are the instructions how to install the JTAG driver and software on a Linux PC.