Time to digital converter (TDC)

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LogicPool (TDC)

This module is a software implementation, no need of hardware to work. The TDC will capture the time stamp of the input channels by rising edge so long the gate is activated. The maximal time resolution is 10 ns and can be changed through a programmable divider, an external signal can be used as TDC clock too.

This module has a bus interface to connect with a FIFO, in this FIFO will be written the channel and time information of each rising edge, so long the gate is active. The number of channels and length of the time stamp counters depends on the selected model.

During the gate a package will be written in the FIFO. This package can consists of a Start of gate marker, 0 to N events marker and a stop of gate marker.


At this time there are two models. The model 0 has only one event channel and the model 1 8 event channels. The event marker are different for each model. The model 0 event marker is a 32-bits time information and the model 1 event marker consist of 8-Bit channel mask to indicate which channels has been toggle and 24-bit with the time stamp

TDC model 1 Package overview
Event Channel info (bits 31..24) Time stamp (bits 23..0) Explanation
SOG 0x00 0x000000 SOG = start of gate, time stamp will be always 0 and no active channels
E1 0x01 0x000064 detected a rising edge on channel 0 100 CLKs after the SOG
E2 0x03 0x000080 detected a rising edge on channel 0 and 1 128 CLKs after the SOG
E3 0x00 0xFFFFFF time stamp counter overflow
E4 0x80 0x0001FF detected a rising edge on channel 7 16777215+511 CLKs after the SOG
EOG 0x00 0x0003FF EOG = end of gate, no active channels and time stamp must be non zero

CBUS Address

Register Map Model 0

Module Address: 'B' or Ox42

Read register

Read registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_IN Bit 7..0: multiplexer address
1 EVENT MARKER Bit 31..0: current event information

Write register

Write registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_GATE Bit 7..0: gate multiplexer address
1 MUX_CLOCK Bit 7..0: clock multiplexer address
2 CLOCK_DIVIDER Bit 31..0:
3 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL Bit 7..0: event channel multiplexer address
Bit 0: disable end of gate (EOG)
Bit 1: disable start of gate (SOG)
Bit 2: retrigger 
12 GATE_TIME Bit 31..0: if this value is set to 0 the end of gate will be controlled through the gate input, otherwise the gate will be a duration of this value x clock period
13 DATA_DELAY Bit 2..0: create a delay between the gate and the input event channels.

Register Map Model 1

Module Address: 'B' or Ox42

Read register

Read registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_IN Bit 7..0: multiplexer address
1 EVENT MARKER Bit 31..0: current event information

Write register

Write registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_GATE Bit 7..0: gate multiplexer address
1 MUX_CLOCK Bit 7..0: clock multiplexer address
2 CLOCK_DIVIDER Bit 31..0:
3 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_0 Bit 7..0: event channel 0 multiplexer address
4 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_1 Bit 7..0: event channel 1 multiplexer address
5 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_2 Bit 7..0: event channel 2 multiplexer address
6 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_3 Bit 7..0: event channel 3 multiplexer address
7 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_4 Bit 7..0: event channel 4 multiplexer address
8 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_5 Bit 7..0: event channel 5 multiplexer address
9 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_6 Bit 7..0: event channel 6 multiplexer address
10 MUX_EVENT_CHANNEL_7 Bit 7..0: event channel 7 multiplexer address
Bit 0: disable end of gate (EOG)
Bit 1: disable start of gate (SOG)
Bit 2: retrigger 
12 GATE_TIME Bit 31..0: if this value is set to 0 the end of gate will be controlled through the gate input, otherwise the gate will be a duration of this value x clock period
13 DATA_DELAY Bit 2..0: create a delay between the gate and the input event channels.



TDC#: number of module (must be unique)
USB In and USB Out are related to the selected USB interface, No connection uses a global parameter, set by OPEN.vi!
GATE: gate drive signal (address of the signal which will drive this input)  
CLOCK: clock drive signal (address of the signal which will drive this input)
CHANNEL: array of channel drive signals (addresses of the signals which will drive this inputs)


 Output 1: 
 Output 2:


 Param 1: 
 Param 2:


 Function 1: 
 Function 2:

Demo software