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Digital inputs and outputs (I/O)


This module has 5 independent 3.3V TTL input/output, each of this IOs is provided with a LEMO connector. The signals can be configured as input or output through a FPGA register. Each channel can drive current up to 60 mA, in this way a 50 Ohm terminated cable can be use to avoid reflections. The máximal operation frequency is 200 MHz. If the IO was configured as input a 50 Ohm resistor can be parallel connected to the input to avoid reflections, this is a solder option.

A pull down resistor can be populated in each channel if needed. The version 1 and 2 have a pull up resistor too.

The submodule contains 5 LEDs, witch are direct connected to FPGA outputs, the LEDs can be configured through internal registers.

Block Diagram

Version 0

SU700-0 block diagram.png

Version 1,2

SU700-1 2 block diagram.png

Front panel

Version 0,1,2

SU700 front panel.png

Back Connector

Version 0,1 and 2

SU700 pin table (direction shown for the SU board)

 Type     Dir       Signal     Pin  Signal          Dir    Type     
 power    in            +5V  2    1 +5V             in     power
 LVTTL    in        DOUT<4>  4    3 DIN<5>          out    LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOUT<5>  6    5 DOEn<5>         in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOEn<4>  8    7 -               -      NC
 LVTTL    in        DOUT<3> 10    9 DIN<4>          out    LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOEn<3> 12   11 DIN<3>          out    LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOUT<2> 14   13 DIN<2>          out    LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOEn<2> 16   15 DIN<1>          out    LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        DOUT<1> 18   17 DOEn<1>         in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        LEDn<5> 20   19 LEDn<4>         in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        LEDn<3> 22   21 LEDn<2>         in     LVTTL
    NC     -              - 24   23 LEDn<1>         in     LVTTL
    NC     -              - 26   25 -               -      NC
    NC     -              - 28   27 -               -      NC
    NC     -              - 30   29 -               -      NC
    NC     -              - 32   31 -               -      NC
    NC     -              - 34   33 -               -      NC
 power    in            GND 36   35 GND             in     power

DIN<n> - Input channel n

DOUT<n> - Output channel n

DOEn<n> - Output enable (active low) channel n

LEDn<n> - LED n (active low)

Power consumption

Version 0

+5V -> XX mA -5V -> XX mA


Version 0


This module is compatible with all base boards

LogicPool (DIO)

This module supports several hardware expansions cards or submodules, no all functionalities are supported for all submodules.


There is only one model for this module.

CBUS Address

Supported hardware

SU700, SU701, SU703, SU704, SU706, SU707

Register Map

Module Address: 'T' or Ox54

Read register

Read registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_IN Bit 7..0: multiplexer address
1 STATE_IN Bit 7..0: input value

Write register

Write registers
Register Address Name Data
0 MUX_OUT Bit 7..0: multiplexer address
1 Debounce Bit 7..0: input value
2 Mode Bit 0:
'1' 50 Ohm termination
'0' Open

Bit 1: NIM/TTL

'1' NIM
'0' TTL   



Digital Input/Output. Support: SU700, SU701, SU703, SU704, SU706, SU707 According to hardware this supports either TTL,, TTL_coax, NIM or DIFFERENTIAL I/Os. Each connector can be used as either an output (DO) or input (DI) or both. If used as an input, terminal DO (driving output) must not be connected, as this enables the output driver and would override any input signals.

Please obey termination rules as defined for the specific used hardware!

The meaning of almost inputs and outputs of this Vi depends on the input "Function". The global inputs and outputs does not depend on the "function" input.

Glogal Inputs

DIO#: number of digital input/output to be accesed (1..255).

USB In: Handle to the LogicBox (create by, if not connected will take a global. parameter, this only works with one LogicBox at a time.

error in: error handling input

Global Outputs

USB out: Handle to the LogicBox.

error out: error handling output


 Connect: connects all in/outputs and sets all parameters
          "Mode": select the DIO standar.
          "DO"  : set the signal number which will drive the output, this signal can be set or clear
                  manually using the module "" (Bool to Signal).
          "DI"  : get the signal number of which drives this input. 
 Set DO: set the signal number which will drive the output, this signal can be set or clear manually
         using the module "" (Bool to Signal).
         input: "DO" : signal number or value. 
 Get DI: return the logic value of this input.
         input: "DI": Logic value of this input. 

 Write Mode: Set the mode of the DIO. 
             input: "Mode" : TTL/LVDS
                             TTL 50 Ohm
                             NIM Open
                             NIM 50 Ohm

Example VIs

or for a specific extension board:

SU700 ->

SU707 ->

SU700 5 channel TTL I/O

SU722 5 channel TTL I/O, like SU700 but with isolation

SU701 16 channels TTL I/O in two groups

SU704 5 channel TTL or NIM I/O

SU707 8 channel LVDS I/O

SU725 8 channel ECL input

Digital to analog converter (DAC)

SU710 2 channel 14-bit DAC

SU713 Dual 8 channel 14-bit DAC

SU721 Dual 8 channel 14-bit DAC, like SU713 but with isolation

SU728 16-bit ADC and DAC

Analog to digital converter (ADC)

SU702 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149)

SU706 100 MS/s 14-bit ADC (ADS5500)

SU712 Dual 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149), like SU720 but without isolation

SU720 Dual 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149), like SU712 but with isolation

SU728 16-bit ADC and DAC

SU735 100 MS/s 14-bit ADC


SU705 4M x 16-bit RAM

SU716 16M x 32-bit RAM

SU730 PSRAM 8M x 16 bit

Discriminator, Comparators

There are two discriminator sub-modules.

The SU703 has 4 input analogue channels. The threshold and hysteresis voltage must be set through a DAC (MAX537). The discriminator output go to the back connector. This module has 4 LEDs too. All four analogue channels or a part of it can be used as TTL digital input/output. The threshold of the first channel can be set through the DAC or a Lemo connector, in this fall a solder jumper must be set.

The SU736 has two analogue input channels and two digital NIM output channels connected with the discriminator/comparator output. The threshold and hysteresis voltage must can be set through a DAC (MAX537) or through potentiometers, the user can select it with the help of smd solder jumpers.

Comparasion SU703/SU736
Analogue Ch. Thress/Step Hyste/Step TTL IOs NIM Out LEDs Power
SU703 4 -2,5..+2,5V/1,22mV 0..2,5V/0,61mV 4 0 4 +5V
SU736 2 -2,5..+2,5V/1,22mV 0..2,5V/0,61mV 0 2 4 +5V and -6V

SU703 4 channel fast dicriminator with 2xMAX9601 (dual PECL comparator) + 2xMAX537 (4x serial DAC)

SU736 2 channel fast dicriminator with programmable threshold & hysteresis and direct NIM outputs (1xMAX9600 dual ECL comparator + MAX537 4x serial DAC)

Charge to digital converter (QDC)

SU717 Gated integrator with ADS5500

SU735 100 MS/s 14-bit ADC


SU700 5 channel TTL I/O

SU701 TTL I/O 16 channels in two groups

SU702 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149)

SU703 4 channel fast dicriminator with 2xMAX9601 (dual PECL comparator) + 2xMAX537 (4x serial DAC)

SU704 5 channel TTL or NIM I/O

SU705 4M x 16-bit RAM

SU706 100 MS/s 14-bit ADC (ADS5500)

SU707 8 channel LVDS I/O

SU708 IF50 Interface

SU709 8 temperature sensors SMT160-30 / HY-LINE #16092

SU710 2 channel 14-bit DAC

SU711 Delay

SU712 Dual 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149), like SU720 but without isolation

SU713 Dual 8 channel 14-bit DAC

SU714 ADC ADS5500

SU715 2 channel audio preamplifier

SU716 16M x 32-bit RAM

SU717 Gated integrator with ADS5500

SU720 Dual 8 channel 14-bit ADC (MAX1149), like SU712 but with isolation

SU721 Dual 8 channel 14-bit DAC, like SU713 but with isolation

SU722 5 channel TTL I/O, like SU700 but with isolation

SU724 Toslink interface

SU725 8 channel ECL input

SU726 32 LEDs

SU727 Toslink interface

SU728 16-bit ADC and DAC

SU730 PSRAM 8M x 16 bit

SU731 4 x H-Bridge, 36V 2A

SU733 Optical In/Out

SU734 DDS Modul with AD9910

SU735 100 MS/s 14-bit ADC

SU736 2 channel fast dicriminator with programmable threshold & hysteresis and direct NIM outputs (1xMAX9600 dual ECL comparator + MAX537 4x serial DAC)

SU737 Optical Gigabit Ethernet with TLK2201 (SerDes) and SFP Module