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From LogicBox
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The LogicBox is an electronic data adquisition und control system based on FPGA. It was developed at the "Physikalisches Institut Universität Heidelberg" to process and control typical Nuclear Physics experiments for scientific and educational purposes only. The LogicBox consist of a FPGA main board with USB 1.1, USB-2 or VME interface and up to 8 I/O Sub-modules or extension cards with the necessary analogue or digital electronic to control or measure the desired signals. A firmware programmed into the FPGA as well as interface software allow the user to build fast and with flexibility a custom application. The system can be found in 3 different chassis:

Base cards
Format Product id
Compact DL701
NIM DL706 or DL709

The provided software is implemented in LabVIEW, This software library is called "LogicPool", and content a lot of soft-modules frequently used in the Nuclear Physics. The user can interconnect these modules, as he likes to create the desired setup. We are working to improve the system with new sub-modules/extensions boards and faster interface to be able to process more data. At this moment we have developed 30 sub-modules as multiple coincidence, fan in / fan out, splitter, logic, discriminator, ADC, TDC, etc., The logicBox is the ideal replacement of the typical NIM racks with several non programmable NIM modules frequently used in the Nuclear Physics, which implement trigger Logic, rate meter, Time to digital converter, acquisition, etc.


Base boards

Submodules (Extension boards)


German documentation

Old wikipage


Logic Pool

PC Drivers

Firmware update (only DL706 and DL709)


LogicPool (QDC)

This VHDL module needs a SU717 hardware sub-module to work.

Register Map

→ Read registers

Register address Name Data
0 OUT_BUS Bit 7..0: Bus number that this module will drive
1 ADC(W) Bit 15..0:

→ Write registers

Register address Register


0 IN_TRIGGER Bit 7..0: signal number to connect this module input
1 Gate(W) Bit 15..0: gate width in 10 ns steps.
2 Control 1 Bit 7..0: Start delay

Bit 16..14: Mode

4 Control 2 Bit 7..0: Stop Delay


Gated Integrator with ADC and baseline correction.

Support: SU717


TRIGGER: Rising edge starts Gate for integration and data sampling.


BUS: Data & Strobe for ADC


Gate/10ns: Length of Gate after Trigger in 10 ns

StartDelay: sampling point after start of GATE (incl. ADC-Pipeline=18)

StopDelay: sampling point after end of GATE (incl. ADC-Pipeline=18)


normal: StopData-StartData will be recorded ( 15 bit signed!)

stop: Only StopData value recorded

start: Only StartData value recorded

start+stop: StartData & StopData values recorded

all: All ADC data values in gate recorded


Connect: connects in&outputs and loads all parameters.

Set TRIGGER: change input TRIGGER.

Get BUS: return Strobe

Write Params&Clear: loads parameters, clears FIFO

Read ADC: read data value

QDC#: number of module (must be unique)

USB In and USB Out are related to the selected USB interface!

No connection uses a global parameter, set by!

LabVIEW demos

Supported hardware
