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SU741 pin table (direction shown for the SU board!)

 power    in            +5V  2    1 +5V             in     power
 LVTTL bidir           D<1>  4    3 D<0>            bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir           D<3>  6    5 D<2>            bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir           D<5>  8    7 D<4>            bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir           D<7> 10    9 D<6>            bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir           D<9> 12   11 D<8>            bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir          D<11> 14   13 D<10>           bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir          D<13> 16   15 D<12>           bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL bidir          D<15> 18   17 D<14>           bidir  LVTTL
 LVTTL    in            REQ 20   19 READ_n          in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in        Addr<1> 22   21 Addr<0>         in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in          CMD_n 24   23 Sync            in     LVTTL
 LVTTL   out          READY 26   25 CLK             in     LVTTL
 LVTTL    in            DAC 28   27 FCLR            in     LVTTL
    *     in          LDACn 30   29 SPI_SDO_CLR     out    *
    *     in        SPI_CLK 32   31 SPI_DIN2        in     *
    *     in       SPI_DIN1 34   33 SPI_Sync_n      in     *
 power    in            GND 36   35 GND             in     power

  • Note: when FCLR is 1, the DAC and SPI signals (pin29..pin34) can be driven from the LogicBox.

Otherwise the LogicBox should NOT drive these 6 signals! They are driven by the FPGA on SU741!

Differences to SU730 as till Feb 2014:

- the memory is 4M x 16 instead of 8M x 16
- there is a direct connection to the SPI and DAC interface
- no HISTO and CRE signals on the SU-connector (CRE was anyway not used)
- Addr2 is now Sync (10 MHz for time measurement), therefore 2 instead of 4 address pointers
- DAC signal has another meaning (was anyway not used before)
- control/command/status registers - still not fully defined and implemented, used for start/pause/stop and more.


req cmd_n   iaddr1    iaddr0 read_n dac fclr Bits  Name   Comment
x   x       x         x      x      x   1    x     -      clear address counters and state machines, tri-state the SPI signals
1   0       N=0..1    0      1      0   0    16    AC0..1 write bits 15.. 0 of address counter N, AC[N][15..0]=DI
1   0       N=0..1    1      1      0   0     6    AC0..1 write bits 21..16 of address counter N, AC[N][21..16]=DI[5..0]
1   0       N=0..1    0      0      0   0    16    AC0..1 read lower part of address counter: DO=AC[N][15..0]
1   0       N=0..1    1      0      0   0     6    AC0..1 read upper part of address counter: DO[5..0]=AC[N][21..16]
1   0         N=0..3         1      1   0    16    CR0..3 write control/command register CR[N]
1   0         N=0..3         0      1   0    16    CR0..3 read control/command/status register CR[N]
1   1       N=0..1    0      1      0   0    16           memory write: mem[AC[N]]=DI
1   1       N=0..1    1      1      0   0    16           memory write with address increment: mem[AC[N]]=DI, AC[N]++
1   1       N=0..1    0      0      0   0    16           memory read: DO=mem[AC[N]]
1   1       N=0..1    1      0      0   0    16           memory read with address increment: DO=mem[AC[N]], AC[N]++
 DI are the data coming from the Logic Box
 DO are the data to the Logic Box
 sync is a slow clock (10 MHz) for the time measurement
 Bit positions                       writing to CR[0] : 0 : start from the beginning, 1 : pause, 2 : stop ...
 DI/DO   0..15
 read_n  16
 req     17
 iaddr   18..19
 sync    20
 cmd_n   21
 clk     22
 ready   23
 fclr    24
 dac     25

How to operate:

1) init both address pointers with the same (either with fclr or by writing to AC[0] and AC[1])
2) write the memory content with address autoincrement using e.g. AC[1]
3) start the sequency by writing to the CR[0] (to be defined in details)
4) later reading status from CR is allowed, but memory read/write is blocked while running the sequence

Most used DAC values (the default values are all 0)

R/nW  Z     REG      A       DATA
23    22   21..19  18..16   15..0

0      0    0 0 0   dac#    value    : set dac# value, for 14 bit DAC the two LSBs are don't care, for 12 bit DAC the 4 LSBs are don't care.

0      0    0 0 1   dac#    range    : set output range of dac#,  0     1       2      3      4       5
                                     :                           5V    10V   10.8V   +/-5V  +/-10V  +/-10.8

0      0    0 1 0   0 0 0   power    : set bits 0..3 to power up DAC 0..3 (default is off and this reg must be set)

0      0    0 1 1   0 0 0     -      : NOP  (= 0x18XXXX)
0      0    0 1 1   0 0 1   control  : Bit 3 is TSD (thermal shutdown enable), Bit 2 is current-limit clamp enable
                                     : Bit 1 is Clear select 0: clear to 0V, 1: clear to midscale (unipolar) or negative full scale (bipolar)
                                     : Bit 0 is SDO disable

0      0    0 1 1   1 0 0     -      : clear, update the DAC register with the clear code and set the outputs
0      0    0 1 1   1 0 1     -      : load, update the DAC register and set the outputs

when control reg!

DACC[15..13] -> SPI_DATA[21..19]
DACC[12..10] -> SPI_DATA[18..16]
DACC[ 3.. 0] -> SPI_DATA[ 3.. 0]

001XXXXXXXXXX000 -> 5V
001XXXXXXXXXX001 -> 10V
001XXXXXXXXXX010 -> 10.8V
001XXXXXXXXXX011 -> +/-5V
001XXXXXXXXXX100 -> +/-10V
001XXXXXXXXXX101 -> +/-10.8
010XXXXXXXXX0000 -> DAC 3..0 off
010XXXXXXXXX1111 -> DAC 3..0 on
010XXXXXXXXX0101 -> DAC 0 and DAC 2 on

RAM information

Bits 15 14 0 Comment

1 <          time_step[30..16]        >  31-bit time step to the next DAC update
<            time_step[15.. 0]        >  Special words:
                                         0xFFFF FFFF - pause,
                                         0x8000 0000 - stop
                                         0xFFFF FFFE - send immediately

0  0 <          divider[29..16]       >  Program divider for the time_step
<               divider[15.. 0]       >

0  1 < command[5..0]> < ADCmask[7..0] >  command = 0 : DAC config register
                                         command = 1 : DAC output register

< DAC output MSB non-zero bit in mask >
< DAC output LSB non-zero bit in mask >


Addr Data Comment

 0   0x0000     Set time step divider
 1   0x0064     to 100 (1 us step in internal clock mode)

 2   0x40FF     Set DAC control registers in all DACs
 3   DACC[0]
..   ..
10   DACC[7]

11   0x41FF     Set the initial DAC values in all DACs
12   DACI[0]
..   ..
19   DACI[7]

20   0xFFFF     pause, wait for the trigger to continue
21   0xFFFF

22   0x8000
23   0x000A     time step 10 us
24   0x4131     DAC output value will follow, for DACs 0, 4, 5.
25   DAC[0]
26   DAC[4]
27   DAC[5]
28   0x000A     time step 10 us
..   ...
     0x8000     stop

There are two SPI interfaces, running in parallel: Group 0: DAC channels 0..3 Group 1: DAC channels 4..7

For highest update speed distribute the used channels equally in the two groups.

E.g. when using channels 1,2,4,7 the update speed will be higher than when using 0,1,2,3.