This module has 5 independent 3.3V TTL input/output, each of this IOs is provided with a LEMO connector. The signals can be configured as input or output through a FPGA register. Each channel can drive current up to 60 mA, in this way a 50 Ohm terminated cable can be use to avoid reflections. Meter la frecuencia máxima de conmutación. If the IO was configured as input a 50 Ohm resistor can be parallel connected to the input to avoid reflections, this can be done through a FPGA register.
A pull up resistor can be populated in each channel if needed. In this function mode the 50 Ohm resistor must be not connected.
The submodule contains 5 LEDs, witch are direct connected to FPGA outputs, the LEDs can be configured through internal registers.
SU700 pin table (direction shown for the SU board)
power in +5V 2 1 +5V in power LVTTL in DOUT<4> 4 3 DIN<5> out LVTTL LVTTL in DOUT<5> 6 5 DOEn<5> in LVTTL LVTTL in DOEn<4> 8 7 - - NC LVTTL in DOUT<3> 10 9 DIN<4> out LVTTL LVTTL in DOEn<3> 12 11 DIN<3> out LVTTL LVTTL in DOUT<2> 14 13 DIN<2> out LVTTL LVTTL in DOEn<2> 16 15 DIN<1> out LVTTL LVTTL in DOUT<1> 18 17 DOEn<1> in LVTTL LVTTL in LEDn<5> 20 19 LEDn<4> in LVTTL LVTTL in LEDn<3> 22 21 LEDn<2> in LVTTL NC - - 24 23 LEDn<1> in LVTTL NC - - 26 25 - - NC NC - - 28 27 - - NC NC - - 30 29 - - NC NC - - 32 31 - - NC NC - - 34 33 - - NC power in GND 36 35 GND in power
DIN<n> - Input channel n
DOUT<n> - Output channel n
DOEn<n> - Output enable (active low) channel n
LEDn<n> - LED n (active low)
read when 0 => DOut <= ModuleID(Version,Model,NBase,Outp_TIG); write when 0 => AMux_TIG <= Conv_Integer(DIn(7 downto 0)); when 1 => Termination_TIG <= DIn(0); -- when 2 for compatibility NIM_TIG <= DIn(1); if Reset='1' then AMux_TIG <= 0; Termination_TIG <= '0'; NIM_TIG <= '0'; end if;
read when 0 => DOut <= ModuleID(Version,Model,0,'0'); write model 0 when 0 => AMux_TIG <= Conv_Integer(DIn(7 downto 0)); model 1 when 0 => AMux_TIG <= Conv_Integer(DIn(7 downto 0)); when 1 => Divider_TIG <= Conv_Integer(DIn(23 downto 0)); Clear <= true;